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2010年8月26日 星期四

[電視廣告] 吳彥祖賣空氣

吳彥祖「賣空氣」? ( 健康空氣行動 | Clean Air Network )

Daniel Wu Infomercial for "Fresh Air" (Clean Air Network)

導演: Shern Sharma
原創音樂:Denise Hofmann

這個夏天,吳彥祖為健康空氣行動「賣空氣」? 在YOUTUBE短片中,你可以見到吳彥祖以「宣傳易」口吻,跟Ana R., Cara G., 和Simon Yin向你推銷罐裝空氣,「今日買6支都只係收你1支價錢,冇錯,只係2蚊啫!」


This summer, CAN brings you a brand new public service announcement featuring popular Hong Kong movie star, Daniel Wu. The video is an ironic 1980s-style infomercial flogging a fake brand of canned air called "Fresh Air."

At the encouragement of CAN's pro bono advertising agency, DDB, CAN decided to adopt a different approach from its previous series of dead serious public service announcements about the health dangers of air pollution. Instead of frightening viewers, CAN seeks to enlighten viewers by taking an absurdist, sarcastic approach to the issue of health, lifestyle and air pollution.

"Clean Air Network is thrilled that Daniel Wu has decided to get publicly involved in championing clean air for Hong Kong. His personal leadership will undoubtedly influence the minds of many young people," said Joanne Ooi, CAN's CEO. Daniel Wu said, "I wanted to do my part to raise awareness about how air pollution is affecting everyone in Hong Kong. It is, after all, the city's #1 public health problem." Other celebrities appearing in the infomercial include Ana R., Cara G., and Simon Yin.





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